Welcome to Bostr. A nostr relay aggregator for saving mobile bandwidth usage when using nostr. This nostr bouncer is bouncing the following relays: - ws://localhost:7777 (raw_rx: 111762; rx: 102614; tx: 38; fail: 165) I have 27 clients currently connected to this bouncer. All bouncer activities in total: - raw_rx: 111762 - rx: 102614 - tx: 38 - fail: 165 Statistics legends: - raw_rx: received events from upstream relays - rx: received events from upstream relays that has been forwarded to clients - tx: succesfully transmitted events that has been forwarded to upstream relays - fail: failed transmissions or upstream errors Connect to this bouncer with nostr client: wss://nostr.lecturify.net/ - To make connection that only send whitelisted kind of events, Connect: wss://nostr.lecturify.net/?accept=0,1 (Will only send events with kind 0, and 1) - To make connection that do not send blacklisted kind of events, Connect: wss://nostr.lecturify.net/?reject=3,6,7 (Will not send events with kind 3, 6, and 7) - To make connection that override client's REQ limit, Connect: wss://nostr.lecturify.net/?limit=50 or wss://nostr.lecturify.net/?accurate=1&limit=50 (Will override REQ limit from client to 50 if exceeds) - To connect with accurate bouncing mode (Default), Connect: wss://nostr.lecturify.net/?accurate=1 (May consume lot of bandwidths) - To connect with save mode, Connect: wss://nostr.lecturify.net/?save=1 (Saves bandwidth usage) Administrator Contact: yonle@lecturify.net --- Powered by Bostr (3.0.7-1) - Open source Nostr bouncer https://github.com/Yonle/bostr